About Me

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I am a Junior at Samford University majoring in Elementary Education. I am first and foremost a Christian, and I strive to live a life pleasing to Christ. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me a message or leave me a comment.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Bye 2010

As 2010 is coming to a close, I have been thinking about this year and all the things I accomplished. It also shows me the things I did not accomplish. So I think to myself, did I really do everything I could to glorify God and bring happiness to Him through me? It is a question all Christian's ponder, and as this time of the year rolls around, it is one I stumble upon myself. Many Christian's do things to make themselves seem "more holy" in the eyes of others but when before God, He prefers a humble heart. I know there are times when I want to give or help others for God's glory, but also for my own selfishness that people will look at me and think I am a great person. I trully admire those who are quiet, but do so much for others. I believe as Christians, that is what we are called to do. Be a humble servant to the Lord and He will glorify you in what He sees is best for you. A lot of times people think they have to travel abroad to share the news of Jesus and to be a witness and hope to others, but I can promise you that there is at least one person down your road, one person in your neighborhood, one person you know that needs help spiritually, physically, or emotionally. Acts 1:8 says, "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Many Christians only emphasize the last part of this verse and forgetting the beginning, which is the main purpose and heartbeat of Acts 1:8. You see, God does call many Christians into foreign countries, and PRAISE GOD FOR THAT! It is very hard to pick up your things and travel to a country in which you do no know the people you will be working with and are not familiar with the roads (if they even have them). In some countries, it is illegal to spread the Word, so indivduals and couples must have a job and learn the language of the people to establish a relationship in order to share Christ. It is also a very expensive cost that does not fully get funded for through different programs. Being a Southern Baptist, I know that SB Missionaries get many funds through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon and a few others, but this still does not cover the entire cost. Only God can provide what is needed. No need to beg unto others. That is what you are going to be doing, helping those beggars and sinners. But back to the main point of this conversation of Act 1:8, the verse starts with Jerusalem. Let's turn this into something modern that fits American citizens. Jerusalem would be the city in which I live in which would be both Sand Rock and Birmingham in Alabama as I live in Sand Rock but attend college in Birmingham. My Judea would be Alabama. My Samaria would be the United States of America. Then, I go to the ends of the Earth. How can God expect me to help those in foreign countries when I have not done a thing in my Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria? I pray that I will start in city and work my way out instead of trying to accomplish large tasks in which God does not have waiting for me just yet and that I do it 100% for Him, and not me. I pray that whoever reads this, whether it be 1 or 1000 feels the call of the Lord to have a humble heart for Him. Pride is a characteristic in which God does not like, but God loves those who are humble in heart and spirit. I pray that God be with you and I as we finish out this 2010 year, and that He brings a blessing to each of you as 2011 begins. I pray that we make our resolution to focus completely on Him and His guiding for us. God Bless!!